
The death of a bright son of bjp and chief strategist, pramod mahajan, the trusted servant uma bharathi settin up a differnt party, the ideological differences between advani n rss pramukhs,the aging of vajpayee, the tallest leader, bjp has gone haywire, shattered.The obvious task for the BJP is to reinvent itself, and redefine the contours of its ideology, to address the concerns of this new India.The BJP has found no issues to agitate, on which to rebuild itself. The 'foreign origins' (of Sonia Gandhi), the Savarkar quote, the Hubli Tiranga Yatra, have all failed. The party is floundering. What's on the cards now is more contention, suspicion and strife within the Parivar, more sniping at each other, and yet more disunity. That does not spell a half-way bright future for the downwardly mobile BJP. Its decline could prove irreversible.

-->old supporters are mad at the party for having diluted its pro-hindutve image. Badly dented and very nearly destroyed is the cultivated new image of the bjp.
-->on the contrary, the youth are being taught that secularism[read suckin up to the minorities] is supreme, so bjp campaigned with emphasis on other developmental activities rather than hindutva....

-->is it proper for the party to revert back to its old principles[read image]?
-->is it "doomsday" for the second largest party in this democratic country?
-->are there tall leaders to head the gen-next bjp wagon[the BJP's succession problem has proved intractable] ?
is this decline irreversible?
www?[wot went wrong] for the bjp?


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