Two lives: Eight compounded time frames

It was a cozy afternoon of July. The sun was sinking all over the place and all air held a solemn stillness. Down the meandering lanes, in the sultry café at the corner, as the glimmering lane was fading on my eyes, I, absent mindedly, captured you forever in the inky blots of your name all over the paper napkin!

All nature smiled. The breeze from the green meadows pleasantly tickled me from underneath my hair, and sang a soothing song in my ears. As we stood there in abashed silence, my roseate glow of hope filled the spaces between your subtle glances that marked the length between romance and Us!

Our smiles floated on the just-after-rain breeze and a scarlet blush remained manifested on my cheeks. Neither of us could discover what needed to be said next. For a space of four seconds, we had stared at each other, eye to eye. I could not tell who owned whom in that play of eyes but either concept made me happy!

The moon gazed at me from the steel-blue night sky in a divinely pitying sort of way. I met its gaze and strange things began to happen to my mind; if I wrote to you a letter, penned in love,
inked in desire, I thought, would you feel sated and happy or would you just throw it away!

I love you! Will you be mine?
Oh! How I had longed for this moment! I felt such an upward thrust of immense joy that I grounded my feet into the ground because I thought I'd rise, weightless, through the wind.

I grasped the full reality of your words only in the glimmer of love in your gaping eyes, two months later.

In the orange dew laden dawn, we roamed the smooth lawns and sat on rusty benches beneath spreading cedars, where we laughed carefree till time stood still.

In your midnight song, you took me to dream scapes where you painted passion with a luminous brush and weaved me those dulcet dreams. The smiling walls lustily cocooned our world and the windows lowered their eyes in bashfulness.

* * *

I woke up in the morning with a wonderful happiness pervading my entire being and I sprung lightly out of bed! Everything is emphatically for my best in this best of all possible worlds, I thought. I beamed at myself in the mirror and wished myself;
“Many happy returns of the day!”
As I stood in my balcony, somewhere in the distance sounded the tinkle of bells and from somewhere further, I heard songs from the shrubbery and cooed back in joy!
Happy Birthday, I shouted!


ramya said...

Wonderful writing, Goddess. It brought tears to my eyes.

Your words seem to get a lot of that extra style and brilliance in both your poetry and prose styles when you write on September 10th every year :)

Anonymous said...

Sun in the sky, radiant in yellow;
Breeze drifting by, a whistle on my lips.

Blossom in the tree, happiness running free;
Cooing in my ears, the bummble bee is busy.

Sweet scent of you, i feel you near;
Riding on a high, I climb up a tree.

As you draw close, I shake the tree hard;
and show you with flowers, the most beautiful in the world.

It's a new life for me And I'm feeling so good.
Its you who has changed my life, from good to better to best.

Anonymous said...

I love the poem. It so mesmerisingly similar to my experiences in love.

I love the poem. It is one of your best ones so far.

Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

Everybit of this post is exotica; something that would leave a lingering taste for a very very long time to come. please post more often now!

"my roseate glow of hope filled the spaces between your subtle glances that marked the length between romance and Us!"---W.O.W!

Goddess, you are the best!


Nikhil said...

Entranced! The whole post is a winner! And then the last time frame is a killer! Such privilege to read your words...


Srilakshmi Chodavarapu said...

And one so rarely comes across such sharp wit, now a days!
I'm so proud of you! :)

Big brother is back said...

I've read ALL about ALL of the eight time frames. Great times, y'ALL had!
Apart from this, I think I'll need a double PhD in Queen's English to understand the rest of the post.

Btw, Happy Birthday to "Roses are red..violets are blue.."poem composer in the comments.

Amma said...

Romance and your language seem to be at your best.Don't get lost in the romantic world, be kind and loving to all.

Big brother is back said...

Great points amma. I liked the second part as well as the first part. I agree, we should get her married when she is at the peak of her so-called abilities.

MFC 79 said...

As usual... :)
You know, I should stop commenting on your blog- I have no more wonderful words that I have not used as yet!

Anonymous said...

I attempted a comment and was thwarted by power cut 6 times....may be what I wanted to say is wrong. I feel I am not qualified to say it. Don't have the moral sanction to say it! But in the disguise of anonymity I want to say this....You are the most beautiful girl I have come across and you write as beautifully.

MFC said...

Each stanza reads as a seperate story and yet they string together into a single strand of emotion. Splendid Goddess! :-)

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