Of justice and flashy tails

I was reading some of my old posts today; there is more to the posts then what comes across..my posts remind me of where I’ve been; intellectually, physically and emotionally. They are a like a photograph album, only with more dimensions.

People who either have a lot going on in their lives or nothing at all, it seems practical that they write posts. I confess I have no such excuse. But I’m sad there ain’t an ideological justification for the hiatus either. If I said I had better things to do then I’m only telling a conscious lie, one that I’ll be saying to justify the premise that there was a hiatus because there deserved to be one, and that it deserved to be replaced by a “superior” activity of CAT conquest. The real formula of the story is much simpler. I ‘actually’ neglected my blog and I feel like a fool of the first order, now. I shuddered as I was reminded of the saying, “"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.” The words hung heavy in the air as if in suspended animation. My blog deserved better. It deserves poetic-divine justice in fact..so here I am; writing again. This is a very emotional moment, may I add.

I was writing a mock CAT yesterday. While doing a Data Interpretation set, I looked at the guy sitting next to me; beneath a fringe of moussed hair and few millimeters of the skull was a maelstrom of stress, of tension, of competition actually- the only substantive difference between us and the species we regard as food or pets. Competition??

This fact is seductive not only because it tells us something about ourselves but also because the answer could give us insights into things that’d help lash age old misconceptions- you thought intelligence was the differentiator, didn’t you!

I don’t say animals don’t compete, but we are evolved because we compete at higher, sometimes scarier levels. When a lioness catches a deer, she’s likely to snag one of the dumb ones. The lioness has a meal, but the level of competition among the deer has been raised for the next day. Result? The dumber lions will have harder time finding a meal, and the lions have to either compete at a higher level now or just drop out of the leonine gene pool. This way, the competition ratchets up with every single sun-rise. Like my dad says, “As is true of all growth, a seedling bursts forth into a sapling and thence into a giant colossus, offering, as it were, succour and nourishment to its teeming millions..”, competition has also evolved from the food-chain days to relative grading in acads to percentiles in CAT, and believe me its tentacles are only fanning out faster each day..

Why does a girl pitch for a brainy boy? Brainy boys as in boys with brilliant grades and IIM call getter profiles? It’s not a quirk of her youth nor is it a rush in her adrenalin, it’s a good reproductive strategy! So when a peahen spies a male with a flashy tail, she can be sure of passing down good genes; their offspring will have survival advantage! Survival in competition=good brains=good genes; flashy tails that’ll be!

The game is simple. Guys strut their stuff by crooning, being witty, speaking glibly, while girls use these as clues to sort out the best one to take home to Mom and Dad. The girls here have to be smarter, there are at a higher evolutionary pressure; they have to invest smartly to pass on good genes to the offspring. So competition returns to where it started off from; genetic code!


Medha said...

"fool of the 1st order"- i think i heard that some where.....

and yes girls are smarter and they do choose the best :)

Anonymous said...

The Goddess is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Superstar,
You have outdone yourself in this post.Worth the wait, worth the wait

Anonymous said...

At ur best, baby! u sound like 1 of those booker prize winners.....i hvnt read any but am sure they sound similar..
anddd....hv u chosen a guy to take home??

Anonymous said...

You talked abt competition and good genes.
Where does love fit in?

Anonymous said...

It dsnt fit in, thts wot goddess said.
Its nt love tht brings ppl 2gethr,its d pressure tht they hv to produce offsprings who can withstand dis heavy cmpetition in d world, tht brrings them 2gether........

Unknown said...

chaaala manchi ga raasavu.

Srilakshmi Chodavarapu said...


Understand that the tone of the post is travesty, soaked in lament.

The title itself is suggestive of the tone.

Competition has reduced 'love' to 'pitching' and thats precisely why I abstained from using the word 'love' in my post. It has become more of a gene-pool or societal status game.

It is unfortunate that human emotions are driven by strategies and survival and mind games rather than finer and intuitive feelings.

'Scarier levels' (in the fifth para) has been used to point to this very fact.

Anonymous said...

Wot do ye eat evryday? Ye write like a professional.

Anonymous said...

Some breathe faster for the fear that others might breathe 'their' air.World thrives on this fear psychosis.It becomes a premise to justify all crime. Competition is being painted in all hues except the one it stands for - White.

nice post. feminist.

Anonymous said...

"i don’t say animals don’t compete, but we are evolved because we compete at higher levels" AND "the lions have to either compete at a higher level now or just drop out of the leonine gene pool" CONTRADICTION!!!

"it’s a good reproductive strategy" ..Designer babies,eh?? POOH POOH

"you thought intelligence was the differentiator, didn’t you!" ..FACTS dont care what u or i think!!!

bah! goddess losing touch??

Girish Mallapragada said...

Interesting post.

I can relate back to about 8 years ago when I was giving my mock CATs. My ultimate aim was to appeal to my own intellect rather than "cooning". I guess, your stereotyping of Indian males does not really apply to every one.
I did crack CAT, get to an IIM and further went to grad school in the US for five years and got a PhD. Even now, what I find more satisfying is the fact that I beat a lot of people's expectations (including my own) through the process rather than my own self-imagined competition for a mating game!
I find your posts interesting, as I see the younger me!

Srilakshmi Chodavarapu said...

Roll no:1876,
I actually don't have this sort of time to vindicate a silly arbit claim on my blog but I love my posts too much! [Even at the expense of sounding gooey]

The leonine gene pool example is to say that animals 'compete', at elementary food chain levels. We compete at scary emotional levels. At times, irrational levels.

Your comprehension is pathetic, go do some RC practice.

Srilakshmi Chodavarapu said...


My idea 'required' inductive reasoning to survive.
I concede there may be exceptions, but predominantly its all a DNA game.

Who doesn't want smart kids!

Girish Mallapragada said...

You seem to be under the impression that genes are the only route to smartness. Studies have shown a weak correlation, if anything, between the IQ of parents and their kids.

I have no idea about what you are defining as smartness. There are many smart people, (assuming if you are referring to financially and socially successfully individuals), who were born to illiterate parents with poor or no social skills.

My guess is that parents at best can hope to provide a good environment for their offspring rather than hope that their good genes would somehow do the trick.

The fact that the parents genes were good is based on the fact that their smartness has already manifested in their success. Therein, lies the fault of your inductive reasoning. You have already weeded out the unwanted to arrive at your conclusion.

Would your argument change if the parents of parents were idiots?

Anonymous said...

Having good genes helps.

Anonymous said...

What you have mentioned is called natural selection. That is how the present phenotypes or genotypes came to existence.
That is the precise reason for human development through generations in all walks of life. But wsit! Love does have its place. Lots of space, says napsterdrake.

Anonymous said...

How did you do in CAT?
Any idea about the cut-off?


Anonymous said...

Hurry! Lets find about ourselves .. then we can think of our grand children


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